2nd International multidiciplinary conference “Law and Forensic Science: a global challenge” – Rome, May 17th to 19th, 2022
Bio Forensics Research Center and the School of Law of Manipal University Jaipur are proud to organize the 2nd international Conference “Law and Forensic Science : a global challenge”
Duration: 3 full days with 4 sessions
Date: May 17th (Tuesday) to May 19th (Thursday),2022
Location: Rome, Italy & online
A visit of the Judicial Palace of Rome is included
Speakers, Session’s Chairs and Co-Chairs of the Conference “Law and Forensic Science: a Global Challenghe” will be from :
– Bio Forensics Research Center, Italy
– School of Law, Manipal University Jaipur, India
– Law Faculty, Titu Maiorescu University, Romania
– Romanian-American University
– Faculty of Law, Academy of Economic Studies
– Commercial Law of St. Petersburg University, Russia
– Italian Supreme Court
– Italian Penal Court
– Department of Costitutional Law, University of Salerno, Italy
– Dept. of Forensic Science, Kean University, USA
– Dept. of Forensic Science, Amity University of Dubai
– Dept. of Forensic Science, Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
– Faculty of Law, University of Teramo, Italy
– International Bio Research Institute
Session I – (May 17th – from 3pm to 6pm) “Justice & Human Rights: an international challenge”:
Opening Ceremony; New challenge in forensic science & law and necessity of a global collaboration for the guarantee the human rights and for have succesfull investigation in criminal cases,
Chair: Prof. Marieta Safta, Law Faculty, Titu Maiorescu University, Romania
Co-Chair: Dr. Sonu Agarwal, School of Law, Manipal University Jaipur, India
Special Guest: Dr. Gennaro Francione, Judge (ret.) at the Italian Supreme Court
Guest of honor: Avv. Prof. Federica Federici, Constitutional Justice Department, University of Naples, Italy
Speakers: 12 places available (15minutes total time: 12minutes for the presentation & 3 minutes for Q&A)
Session II – (May 18th – from 9am to 1pm) “Criminal & Constitutional Justice: how to guarantee equilibrium in Justice according to the fundamentals of human rights?”
Comparative criminal procedure laws; comparative constitutional laws; comparative possibility to using forensic technology according to territorial laws for scientific investigations; Privacy data: concerns, protection and utilize ability in the inquiry; wrongful conviction: how to prevent and how to act in case it happened; re-abilitation of convicted person: a comparative overview; scientific evidence in the Court: how to guarantee an omogeneus evaluation of the data by Judges and Prosecutors; presentation of the proofs in the Court: a comparative overview. Comparative cyber laws.
Chair: Prof. Giuseppe Di Genio, Department of Costitutional Law, University of Salerno, Italy
Co-Chair: Mr Prabhpreet Singh & Ms. Vibha Bandhu, School of Law, Manipal University Jaipur, India
Special Guest: Prof. Alexander Alekseenko, Commercial Law of St. Petersburg University, Russia
Guest of Honor: Prof. Costantin Duvac, Romanian-American University, Doctoral School, Faculty of Law – Academy of Economic Studies
Speakers: 16 places available (15minutes total time: 12minutes for the presentation & 3 minutes for Q&A)
Session III (May 18th – from 2pm to 5pm) “Student session: Comparative International Laws, Costitutional Justice & Advancements in Forensic Science”
All students works and research about Comparative International Laws, Costitutional Justice & Forensic Science are elegible for this Session
Chair: Prof. Denise Gemmellaro, Dept. of Forensic Science, Kean University, USA
Co-Chair: Dr. Eugenio D’Orio, Bio Forensics Research Center, Italy
Special Guest: Dr. Kumud Kant Awasthi, Dept. of Forensic Science, Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Speakers: 22 places available (8minutes total time: 6minutes for the presentation & 2 minutes for Q&A)
Session IV (May 19th – from 9am to 1pm) “International application of the Forensic Science in Justice: an international overview”
DNA evidence: validation of new methodologies & technologies; Forensic Biology & Serology: validation of new methodologies & technologies; R&D in medico-legal investigations; forensic biochemistry & proteomics; forensic population & statistics advancements; Fingerprint evidence: evolution of the databases, of the methods and technology; R&D in Ballistics; R&D in forensic Psycology, R&D in forensic Toxicology; R&D in forensic entomology; R&D in forensic anthropology; R&D in B.P.A.; from the experimentation to the Courts: new methods in forensic science; Closing Ceremony, acknowledgement & awarding time.
Chair: Prof. Aby Joseph, Dept. of Forensic Science, Amity University of Dubai
Co-Chair: Mr. Mahipal Singh Sankhla, Dept. of Forensic Science, Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Special Guest : Dr. Paola Montagna, Former Director of Forensic Genetics Section at Italian Scientific Police Service
Speakers: 16 places available (15minutes total time: 12minutes for the presentation & 3 minutes for Q&A)
Dr.Eugenio D’Orio, Gen. Director of Bio Forensics Research Center, Italy
Prof. Marieta Safta, Law Faculty, Titu Maiorescu University, Romania
Mr. Prabhpreet Singh, School of Law, Manipal University Jaipur, India
Dr. Sonu Agarwal, School of Law, Manipal University Jaipur, India
Ms. Vibha Bandhu, School of Law, Manipal University Jaipur, India
Prof. Alexander Alekseenko, Ass. Prof. at the Chair of Commercial Law of St. Petersburg University, Russia
Dr. Gennaro Francione, Judge (ret.) at Italian Supreme Court
Prof. Denise Gemmellaro, Dept. of Forensic Science, Kean University, USA
Prof. Aby Joseph, Dept. of Forensic Science, Amity University of Dubai
Dr. Paola Montagna, Former Director of Forensic Genetics Section at Italian Scientific Police Service
Avv. Prof. Federica Federici, Lawyer in Rome, President of Nuove Frontiere del Diritto, Member of Human Rights Commission & Member of Penal Procedure Commission at Order of Rome”
Prof. Giuseppe Di Genio, Department of Costitutional Law, University of Salerno, Italy
Prof. Giuseppe Marazzita, Faculty of Law, University of Teramo, Italy
Prof. Costantin Duvac, Dean of the Romanian-American University, Doctoral School Member, Faculty of Law – Academy of Economic Studies
Prof. Mihai Badescu, Director of the Doctoral School of Faculty of Law, Academy of Economic Studies
Dr. Younes Karrouk President Leaders Club, Morroco
Prof. Surya Shekhar Daga, Dept. of Forensic Science, Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Dr. Umema Ahamad, Asst. Prof & Head, Dept. of Forensic Science, Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Mr. Mahipal Singh Sankhla, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Forensic Science, Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Prof. Edmund Agbo, International Bio Research Institute
Prof. Luigi Viola, Lawyer, Professor, Director of Advanced Law School
Prof. Enzo Siviero, Dean of University e-Campus, Italy
Forensic Sciences Research Journal, a Q1 Scopus Indexed journal will publish High Quality Selected Papers of the conference.
Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University, Law Journal – https://lawjournal.spbu.ru/ WoS indexed – will publish the then best presentations/works (selected by the Scientific Commission)
Constitutional Law Review/Revista de Drept Constitutional
Global Research Review
The Global Research Review Journal (GRR), a multidisciplinary scientific journal registered under E-ISSN: 2737-855 and published by the Scientific Research Laboratory of the Leaders Club will publish a book which will includes all the contributions of the conference.
Diritto più – italian editor – will publish a book which will includes all the contributions of the conference. These ones will be divided into four area: Best ones (awarded by the Scientific Commission), Oral Presentations, Poster Presentations, Contributions with minimum requisites of quality (evaluated by the Scientific Commission). ISBN Book.
Preliminary notes of the Scientific Commission:
– The Scientific Commission will select 12 oral presentations for the Session I, 16 oral presentations for the Session II, 22 oral presentations for the Session III and 16 oral presentations for the Session IV.
– Due to the hybrid mode (in presence & online), 2/3 of the Oral Presentation for each session must to be done in presence; this ratio doesn’t apply to the Poster Presentation.
– There is not a limited number for the (e)-poster presentation.
Abstract submission (for Oral Presentation and Poster Presentation)
• Only pre-registred author(s) are allowed to send abstract(s).
• The paper should be ORIGINAL and UNPUBLISHED and offer new insights, a new approach or new knowledge about the literature.
• The abstract should be a maximum of 250-300 words followed by at least 5 keywords in the specified format.
• All participants should email their respective abstracts on or before the mentioned deadline, i.e.– March 31th, 2022 to info@bioforensics.it
• The presentation should contain title of the paper, the full name of the author/s, affiliation with institute/university name and Email address.
• The author(s) should indicate if the submission is referring to an Oral Presentation or Poster Presentation; if it is an Oral Presentation, the author(s) should specify the session and eventually the sub-theme (if applicable); if it is an Oral Presentation, the author(s) should sdetermine if they will attend the Conference in presence or through online.
• The paper should correspond to the Times New Roman font in font size 12 (justify alignment) and the heading size 14 (bold, aligned centrally).
• The proceedings will be published and the best paper in each session will be duly acknowledged and awarded
Guidelines for the Accepted Oral Presentations
• The paper must be presented in PowerPoint 2013/2010 or earlier in slides with a ratio of 16:9.
• A maximum of 8 slides may be presented.
The time limit for the presentation is 12 minutes followed by a 3 minutes Q&A for the Session I, Session II and Session IV; The time limit for the presentation is 6 minutes followed by a 2 minutes Q&A for the Session III (Student Session)
• The presentation should include an Introduction, Methodology, Observations and Results, Discussion, Conclusion and Reference.
• All references should follow the APA 7th edition style.
• All tables and figures should be appropriately numbered.
• In the case of multiple authors, only one author would be allowed to present the paper.
• All co-authors will receive only the (e)-certificate as co-authors only if regisered at the Conference.
• The best paper of each session in the conference will be duly acknowledged and awarded.
• Only the main presenter would receive the winning (e)-certificate of Achievement.
Guidelines for (e)-Posters
• The e-Poster should describe completed or ongoing scientific research, propose innovative ideas, interesting case studies, etc.
• The abstract should be a maximum of 250 – 300 words followed by a minimum of 5 keywords in the specified format.
• All participants should email their respective abstracts before March 31th, 2022 to info@bioforensics.it
Ordinary fee: 200€
Student fee: 133€
Members of Partners fee: 150€
Remote fee: 100€
Remote Partners/Students fee: 75€
Modality: in presence (limitated seats) + remote (no limitations)
Payment: bank transfert to Bioforensics R.C.
– IBAN: IT53Y0514222100CC1016033210
– BIC code (for international bank transfert): BCPTITNNXXX
– Subject: Conference Rome 2022 + (your full name).
A copy of the receipt of bank transfert must to be sent to info@bioforensics.it
The subscribers will receive a confirmation mail from the Administration Dept. of Bio Forensics Research Center.
Deadline for subscription: April 30th, 2022.